Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Yummy Tuesday

So far I have still been successful at replacing my morning coffee with a bottle of water, and I am still able to function and make it to work, so I decide that I would work on my morning breakfast next.  Normally, I grab a banana as I walk out the door and then snack throughout the day.  Well, like always I grabbed my banana for the ride into work and I also grabbed a dozen eggs, a can of Rotel, a loaf of 100% whole wheat bread, butter and strawberry preserve. A bunch of random stuff, I know. When I got to work, I beated three eggs with a dash of water and microwaved them for three minutes then added a dash of salt, pepper and a few spoonfuls of Rotel and WHA-LA, a yummy breakfast!

I felt good about my breakfast and decided that I will fix this each morning.  

Tuesday was another day of Grocery Reports with a few chat breaks with Beth mixed in.  She will be going out of town next week and I don't know what I am going to do!  I will be lonesome! :) But she is getting to go see her brand new baby niece and sister in FLORIDA so I am excited for her. 

Tuesday night we had a delicious smoked pork shoulder smoked by the One-and-Only Jacob and it was so yummy once again! Along with the BBQ we had coleslaw, potato salad and bake beans.  It was perfect.. Jacobs cousin brought his kids over and Avi was just beyond excited to play with them! I will say that I have never met two picker little girls and I truly appreciated my little munchkin Avi and her love of ALL food! :)  After the family left it was bubbles time and bed time for Avi, Addlee and ME! Once the girls were asleep I laid in bed a finished the first episode of the new season of Housewives of Orange County...don't judge! All the housewives are a serious guilty pleasure for me and I enjoy each and every episode! :) 

Here is to a great night sleep and a fabulous Wednesday!!!

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