Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Run day, Fun day

So today has been pretty great.  I am very proud to say that I ran today for the first time outside in years!! Beth, my lovely co-worker, runs regularly...3 MILES! Yesterday we decided that we would work through lunch and go run later in the afternoon. So this moring I gathered all my running gear and headed to work. Deep down I was dreading the time to go run because I was extremely nervous about what I would or wouldnt be able to do. She runs three miles but I thought FOR. SURE. I could run at least two.  I have ALWAYS loved to run and cardio was my strong point. I actually had a little anxiety as we pulled into the park because I wanted SO badly to go at least two. 
 The park had a lovely course and today was absolutely beautiful outside. Perfect running weather...not to hot, not to cold.  Beth has a high tech running watch that tracks everything so I knew she would keep my up to date on the distance.  When she yelled out "HALF MILE" I was DYING!!! But I kept on running. I ran a mile. Only one. Deep down I felt major disappointment because I just knew I could run two. NOT! So while she finished running, I walked the path. 

Now I have to talk about this awesome running path we were at.  They had everything mapped out so you would know exactly what you needed to do and the mileage.  They also had work out stations placed along the course.  So you could run for a bit and stop to work your quads, then run some more and then stop again and do chin ups.  They honestly had a station to work just about every body part.  They also had a stair climer, so I did that for a bit while waiting for Beth to finish her 5k.

After the nice workout, we both decided we would meet at Noble Park with our kiddos and have a nice play date.  I got the girls and I have to brag on Avi for a moment.  Mrs. Sherry is usually in the nursary with Addlee but today she got the pleasure of working with the one-year olds.  I was such a proud mommy when Sherry complimented on how smart and advanced Avi is for her age.  She said they were learning body parts and Avi knew almost all of them and was showing all the other kiddos where their nose, mouth, ear, head, hand, foot, etc. were! I love it! And it makes me so proud of my little-big-princess! :)

Now on to the park...

Avi was so excited when we pulled in. She started going "quack, quack"  because she loves the duckies!  When we got to the play ground Avi and Mr. Rylan met and both headed for the slides.  I am proud to announce Avi went down the slides all by herself for the first time today!

Ready to go down the slide
Her fearless self also likes to climb back up the slides!

While Avi was playing on the slides Miss. Addlee was having a blast talking to everyone from her stroller and laughing at her big sissy.

After playing on the slides, Avi made a pit stop on the bouncy four wheeler as we worked our way to the swings...

Addlee had her first swing experience today! And she loved it!!

The sun had started to set so we called it a night with Beth and Rylan at the park and we headed home to eat, play in bubbles, and snuggle while watching American Idol before bed time! :)

I hope to run again tomorrow.  I will say right now that I am very sore! I hope everyone had a great humpday Wednesday! I am gonna finish American Idol and relax.  Ready for a great Thursday!!

Goodnight everyone!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oh Chocolate Covered Honey Bunns.....

Where to begin.. I am a few days behind. So I'll give a short recap of the weekend.  The plans were to get my hair done by Miranda on Saturday night and then have pictures taken Sunday, but her weekend was super packed as she celebrated her youngest sons 1st birthday and the weather was just nasty, so we postponed everything till next weekend.  So instead it was a lazy weekend filled with pajama pants, messy ponytails and lots of playing and reading books! :)

Last week was a rough week for Avianna because she is getting her 2 year molars and they make her so sick, but one of the bottom molars broke through and she was feeling much better all weekend. Saturday we went to Grandma and Grandpas for a little bit so they could get their Princess fix! :) So we dressed all matchy-matchy for their little visit.

I have such gorgeous babies!

 Saturday night I made deer stew and it was super yummy.  Although deer does have a different taste, it is still delicious and very lean!  Sunday I woke up sickly so I was especially lazy on Sunday.  Jacob grilled out a juicy Pork Roast but I couldn't eat much because I definitely wasn't feeling well.  Thankfully, I woke up Monday feeling 100% better...although my house was a disaster since I wasn't able to follow everyone around and pick up after them! ;) 

We got a new drink product in at work and I was the guinea pig...

It was pretty good and has ZERO calories, which is always fabulous! I will definitely be giving the other flavors a try and I will let you know which ones are worth your time!

I will not go this many days again without posting. I will say today my absolute weakness has been Chocolate covered Honey Buns.  I refuse to eat another one tomorrow.  Also, tomorrow the plan is to run at lunch with Beth.  She runs regularly so I hope I can keep up!!!  Wish Me LUCK because this momma is out of shape!!  Tonight I am going to definitely do some crunches and push ups...gotta work those arms! :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sicky Icky

Wednesday started off just like every other Wednesday, except my trusted-ol' faithful banana wasn't ripe enough yet and I was unable to eat it.  BOO!  Then when I arrived to work I found out that I was going to be the only one in the office.  After I got everything open and coffee made, I sat down at my desk about 7:50 and got an unexpected call from the daycare...Miss Avianna had thrown up. After some discussion, we came to the agreement that she might have gaged herself because she has been keeping her hands in her mouth due to teething. I told them to call me if it happened again and I would be on my way to get her.  I checked at lunch and they said she was doing just fine, so I finished my work day and headed to pick up the girls at 4:30.

Avi was happily feeding her Cheerios to the doggies! ;)

They were right, Avi seemed just fine when I got there.  She was so excited to leave she walked right over to her sleeping sissy and woke her right up... Ooops! Nathan went with his Great Grandmother to church tonight so it was just the girls and I this evening.  I decided to get my work out in IMMEDIATELY because both girls seemed to be in great moods.  I picked a workout from my "Body After Babies" board on Pinterest.  The lucky winner was Tank Top Arms .  So I got the girls settled..

After two sets of my work out, Avi had caught on and decided that she wanted to join in..

So I attempted to do the third round but Avi was determined to be on my lap so we had a little photo shoot instead...

The many faces of Avianna! <3

Avi seemed to be getting very sleepy and seemed to have an upset tummy so we took a quick bath and went down stairs for a few minutes of snuggles.  After Avi laid down I fed Miss Addlee and snuggled for a bit. I love that time!! :) Now comes the sad part....

Avi got so sick Wednesday night.  Right before bed I checked on her and she had gotten sick again, so I cleaned it up and she continued sleeping.  At 2:30a she woke up again and had gotten sick, so daddy gave her a bath while I cleaned up her bed once again.  She just cried and cried so we both agreed to try teething tablets. That did the trick.  I am almost certain that this upset tummy is due AGAIN to her two-year molars.  We went through these same issues a few weeks ago and once her two top molars broke through she was just fine.  I feel so bad because she obviously doesn't feel well! :( Any tips on how to help her are all very WELCOMED! This sickness just seems so extreme to be just teething... I am at a loss. I sure hope Thursday is better to my little Avi-baby!

Tomorrow is my Friday at work, and I have plenty to do before I can call it a weekend.  Not looking forward to the cold snow forecast though, I was really hoping for another beautiful Friday like last week...oh well, cant have it all! :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Song of the week is.....

This week has been busy-busy. Story of my life! :) Monday night Miss Avi was very upset.  My final conclusion, 2-year molars. After a few teething tablets the crying subsided and it was a peaceful 30 minutes before she went to sleep.  I followed shortly behind!

Tuesday moring came very quickly but Miss Addlee is sleeping for longer intervals which makes this mommy super stoked. Although, she is still in our bed... . Tuesday was lovely P& L monthly meetings all day so besides our quick lunch and pinterest date, Beth and I didnt get to catch up very long.

When I got to the girls daycare, Miss Avianna was dancing around her classroom with Mrs. D. AND having a ball! Addlee was in an equally good mood, so we headed over to Kroger where we met Jacob to grab something for dinner.  Avianna loves the grocery store and she loves pushing the shopping cart. Although, Im not sure the employees appreciate her driving skills! Hahaha!!

I already have my workout picked out for Wednesday night. I am going to do it first thing after Avi gets to sleep! No excuses.  I must tone up before Ashleighs wedding in JUNE! :)

I did try and take a few pictures of the girls but I was not successfull and keeping Avi still long enough to get a good picture! I promise more for Wednesday!

So, I my favorite song of the week is Lady Antebellum- Downtown.  If you were to pull up beside me in the car when this song is on you will most definitly witness me jamming out with Avianna! :) So I thought I could share the song so you too can enjoy it!!

See you back here soon to catch you up on my Wednesday work out!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Busy Bees

So I am a few days behind but we have had a busy couple days in our household! Thursday at work completely RUINED my healthy eating. I refuse to even post about all the sweets Beth and I indulged in! But I have done very well since then with food choices. After the girls and I got home and caught up with Nate on how his day was, Nate played with Avi for a bit while I got dinner ready.

Avi helping out with getting dinner started

Avi having a blast being pushed around by her Bubba!
After eating and bath time we played in the girls room and Skyped their Aunty Melisa! We love Skyping and we LOVE Auntie Melisa! Jacob informed me that Friday's forecast was set for the 70's so I KNEW my Friday with the girls would most definitely include the park!!!

I got to sleep in on Friday while Jacob got up with the kiddos and this is what I walked down stairs to...

I felt completely refreshed and I couldn't wait for the girls to wake up from their afternoon naps to get outside!! While they were sleeping I made egg burritos for Jacob and I for a brunch. They were delicious with a little avocado!
When we got the park, IT WAS PACKED!! I had to park pretty far away from the big playground so I loaded Addlee into the stroller and Avi and I walked around the lake for a bit.  Avi loves to push her Sissy...

Avi loves the park and she LOVES to swing.  When she finally say they playground she literally squealed with excitement and took off in a sprint to play with the other kiddos!

First we went down the slides.
Then we enjoyed the swings for quite awhile

Now, little Miss Addlee Jean was sleeping for most the excitement but she eventually woke up and enjoyed the park from the comfort of her stroller in the shade.

Bubba holding Addlee while she naps wore out from the park
After the park, we stopped and said bye to Daddy before he went to work and then picked up Bubba to head out to their cousins house to play for a bit and to let Mommy enjoy a little adult company as well! We love Halley, Hannah, Luke, Carrie and Logan! :)

Avi being her silly, goofy self! :)

Friday night for dinner I made chicken tacos in the crockpot. They were delicious as usual. There were left overs so I saved them for breakfast in the morning! Jacob and I started a movie when he got off work while laying in bed with Miss Addlee, but Addlee and I both were OUT before the credits rolled!!

Saturday has been very relaxing and lazy. Which has been very much enjoyed by all!! I made egg burritos again but added in the left over chicken and they were DELICIOUS!!  After a few hours of playing with the girls Avi and Addlee both took a naps. For dinner I made a roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions in the CrockPot and it was so yummy! I made my self only eat ONE bowl though!! 
I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend so far.  I am about to start a movie and get some rest before a busy Sunday filled with some unpacking, organizing and LOTS of playing and a good workout!!
Goodnight Everyone!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday

Today has been pleasant since my alarm went off and I had to roll out from under little Miss Addlee. I got the girls dressed and ready to go. I couldn't wait to take a picture of both of them in their adorable outfits today. I am so ready for spring and getting to dress both the girls in bright, happy colors! :)
Avi in her adorable outfit
Addlee is the CUTEST little sister

After dropping off the girls at daycare I enjoyed a glass of Diet Peach Snapple Tea, a banana, and a few crackers. Once again I couldn't resist the delicious Baja salad so that is what I had again, and it did not fail my taste buds! :) Apparently, Beth and I both were suffering from a sweet tooth because Beth forced me to eat a SMALL piece of white cake she bought...

Before bath time I ate a small turkey sandwich for dinner.  While the girls splish-splashed in their bubbles we jammed out to OUR (my) favorite Pandora station, Disney Tunes :) I'm not sure who actually enjoys that station more! lol After bath time I did a little closet organization and Avi was an excellent help! I am going to brag and say that my little Avi-Baby is quite the clean freak and I love it.  Avi's bedtime followed shortly behind and then it was time for Addlee and I to get our nightly snuggles in.  So far she has slept in her bed for about an hour so I got in a quick set of 100 crunches, squats, 50 push-ups and two 60 second wall sits. I have a little guilt that I didn't get any cardio in but it is hard when it still gets chilly in the evening.  I am very ready for spring and warmer weather so  I can go on a run with the girls when I get off work! I do love cardio and I haven't yet mastered my scheduling to make sure I get at least 30 minutes of cardio in, but I feel I have made progress and small steps forward are better then no steps forward.  So here is to small steps! :)  All in all I feel like this beautiful Wednesday was a success and I look forward to Thursday.  Tomorrow is my Friday at work and I love that I get a three day weekend that allows me to spend more time with my little love bugs during these precious years!

Addlee and I getting our nightly snuggles in.
 I love taking pictures of us during this time because I know that these are the times
 I will miss the most in the years to come! :)

Getting the ball rolling...

Today I was blessed with two HAPPY little girls while we were all trying to get dressed for work and daycare, and boy does it make a world of difference when they wake up happy! We sang and danced as I got our happy selves dressed. It was a fun time! I dropped my little love-bugs off and enjoyed a banana and a cup of hazelnut coffee on my 20 minute drive to work.  I honestly love the drive.  It is peace full, especially when the sun is just rising!!

Work was just like every other reports, grocery reports and MORE grocery reports, with a little period 7 projections thrown into the mix!! :) For lunch Donnie offered to buy, which he frequently does.  After a short debate on who's turn it was to choose the location of choice, I suggested Wendy's because I am currently hooked on their Baja Salad!! It is delicious and the half salad is the perfect size!!  I am an avocado fanatic and they ALWAYS put a heaping scoop of guacamole on the side and it is just the perfect touch mixed with the delicious salad dressing!

Delicious Baja Salad with Creamy Red Jalapeno dressing
 After I picked up Avi and Addlee from a fun filled day at Kids Kare Lone Oak, we stopped by and picked up Memaw (their Great Grandmother).  Jacob was off work today, so we arrived home to smoked beef roast. After smoking the roast for four hours, we enjoyed our dinner with boiled peppered cabbage and scalloped potatoes!!  It was amazing! Unfortunately for you, I forgot to take a picture of the feast because I was to busy trying to get a bit or two in because Avi couldn't get enough of our dinner either!! It is so great to have a child that is not picky at all! :) Avianna will eat or drink anything you put in front of her!!  I feel pretty good about all my food choices and quantities, but unfortunately this mommy did fail at inserting a good workout in. It is on the top of my priority list for tomorrow for sure!!

After dinner the girls enjoyed a quick bath and then it was story and snuggles time for Avi and bottle time for Addlee.  I have two great girlies and both are happy and smiling most of the time.  Avi is a GREAT sleeper but I seem to have met my match with her little Sissy.  Sweet Addlee is such a cuddler, she refuses to be put down to sleep in her own bed.  She is 5 months and already cut two teeth, so I am hoping that the need to be held and snuggled all night is because her poor teeth are hurting and eventually, in the near future, she will continue sleeping after we lay her down.  Any pointers ( or words of encouragement) are all welcomed!! :)

As promised, this is my Avi-Baby playing in her bubbles

Snuggling with Addlee after her bedtime bottle

I hope everyone had as good of a Tuesday as I had!  Now it is time to get my To-Do list for Hump Day Wednesday ready!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

All in the Family


I am a working, housekeeping, crazy busy mommy and companion. I have been blessed with two ABSOTOOTLY beautiful baby girls, Avianna and Addlee.  They are almost 10 months apart to the day.  I know what your thinking, OMG that is close! Yes, Yes, Yes and it is stressful, crazy and constantly noisy but everyday they both bring joy to my life and I love watching them learn new things daily! I stayed home with Avianna for her first year, because I was pregnant again, but after Addlee graced our world in September 2012 this stay-at-home mommy quickly became a working mommy. So add an 8-5 job to the mix of two babies; a 12 year old boy, Nathan; significant other to Jacob and welcome to the crazy, never a dull moment, that I call My Life. :) 

 Jacob & I
AND of course, Max & Duke...All of our faithful playmates, companions, and protectors!

My goal is to post daily with the highlights of my eventful life, with pictures of my kiddos (obviously), in hopes that this will keep me motivated and on track with all my goals, such as loosing weight, focusing on getting healthy again, doing more crafts and reading great all the spare time I have