Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Run day, Fun day

So today has been pretty great.  I am very proud to say that I ran today for the first time outside in years!! Beth, my lovely co-worker, runs regularly...3 MILES! Yesterday we decided that we would work through lunch and go run later in the afternoon. So this moring I gathered all my running gear and headed to work. Deep down I was dreading the time to go run because I was extremely nervous about what I would or wouldnt be able to do. She runs three miles but I thought FOR. SURE. I could run at least two.  I have ALWAYS loved to run and cardio was my strong point. I actually had a little anxiety as we pulled into the park because I wanted SO badly to go at least two. 
 The park had a lovely course and today was absolutely beautiful outside. Perfect running weather...not to hot, not to cold.  Beth has a high tech running watch that tracks everything so I knew she would keep my up to date on the distance.  When she yelled out "HALF MILE" I was DYING!!! But I kept on running. I ran a mile. Only one. Deep down I felt major disappointment because I just knew I could run two. NOT! So while she finished running, I walked the path. 

Now I have to talk about this awesome running path we were at.  They had everything mapped out so you would know exactly what you needed to do and the mileage.  They also had work out stations placed along the course.  So you could run for a bit and stop to work your quads, then run some more and then stop again and do chin ups.  They honestly had a station to work just about every body part.  They also had a stair climer, so I did that for a bit while waiting for Beth to finish her 5k.

After the nice workout, we both decided we would meet at Noble Park with our kiddos and have a nice play date.  I got the girls and I have to brag on Avi for a moment.  Mrs. Sherry is usually in the nursary with Addlee but today she got the pleasure of working with the one-year olds.  I was such a proud mommy when Sherry complimented on how smart and advanced Avi is for her age.  She said they were learning body parts and Avi knew almost all of them and was showing all the other kiddos where their nose, mouth, ear, head, hand, foot, etc. were! I love it! And it makes me so proud of my little-big-princess! :)

Now on to the park...

Avi was so excited when we pulled in. She started going "quack, quack"  because she loves the duckies!  When we got to the play ground Avi and Mr. Rylan met and both headed for the slides.  I am proud to announce Avi went down the slides all by herself for the first time today!

Ready to go down the slide
Her fearless self also likes to climb back up the slides!

While Avi was playing on the slides Miss. Addlee was having a blast talking to everyone from her stroller and laughing at her big sissy.

After playing on the slides, Avi made a pit stop on the bouncy four wheeler as we worked our way to the swings...

Addlee had her first swing experience today! And she loved it!!

The sun had started to set so we called it a night with Beth and Rylan at the park and we headed home to eat, play in bubbles, and snuggle while watching American Idol before bed time! :)

I hope to run again tomorrow.  I will say right now that I am very sore! I hope everyone had a great humpday Wednesday! I am gonna finish American Idol and relax.  Ready for a great Thursday!!

Goodnight everyone!

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