Saturday, March 16, 2013

Busy Bees

So I am a few days behind but we have had a busy couple days in our household! Thursday at work completely RUINED my healthy eating. I refuse to even post about all the sweets Beth and I indulged in! But I have done very well since then with food choices. After the girls and I got home and caught up with Nate on how his day was, Nate played with Avi for a bit while I got dinner ready.

Avi helping out with getting dinner started

Avi having a blast being pushed around by her Bubba!
After eating and bath time we played in the girls room and Skyped their Aunty Melisa! We love Skyping and we LOVE Auntie Melisa! Jacob informed me that Friday's forecast was set for the 70's so I KNEW my Friday with the girls would most definitely include the park!!!

I got to sleep in on Friday while Jacob got up with the kiddos and this is what I walked down stairs to...

I felt completely refreshed and I couldn't wait for the girls to wake up from their afternoon naps to get outside!! While they were sleeping I made egg burritos for Jacob and I for a brunch. They were delicious with a little avocado!
When we got the park, IT WAS PACKED!! I had to park pretty far away from the big playground so I loaded Addlee into the stroller and Avi and I walked around the lake for a bit.  Avi loves to push her Sissy...

Avi loves the park and she LOVES to swing.  When she finally say they playground she literally squealed with excitement and took off in a sprint to play with the other kiddos!

First we went down the slides.
Then we enjoyed the swings for quite awhile

Now, little Miss Addlee Jean was sleeping for most the excitement but she eventually woke up and enjoyed the park from the comfort of her stroller in the shade.

Bubba holding Addlee while she naps wore out from the park
After the park, we stopped and said bye to Daddy before he went to work and then picked up Bubba to head out to their cousins house to play for a bit and to let Mommy enjoy a little adult company as well! We love Halley, Hannah, Luke, Carrie and Logan! :)

Avi being her silly, goofy self! :)

Friday night for dinner I made chicken tacos in the crockpot. They were delicious as usual. There were left overs so I saved them for breakfast in the morning! Jacob and I started a movie when he got off work while laying in bed with Miss Addlee, but Addlee and I both were OUT before the credits rolled!!

Saturday has been very relaxing and lazy. Which has been very much enjoyed by all!! I made egg burritos again but added in the left over chicken and they were DELICIOUS!!  After a few hours of playing with the girls Avi and Addlee both took a naps. For dinner I made a roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions in the CrockPot and it was so yummy! I made my self only eat ONE bowl though!! 
I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend so far.  I am about to start a movie and get some rest before a busy Sunday filled with some unpacking, organizing and LOTS of playing and a good workout!!
Goodnight Everyone!!

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