Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sicky Icky

Wednesday started off just like every other Wednesday, except my trusted-ol' faithful banana wasn't ripe enough yet and I was unable to eat it.  BOO!  Then when I arrived to work I found out that I was going to be the only one in the office.  After I got everything open and coffee made, I sat down at my desk about 7:50 and got an unexpected call from the daycare...Miss Avianna had thrown up. After some discussion, we came to the agreement that she might have gaged herself because she has been keeping her hands in her mouth due to teething. I told them to call me if it happened again and I would be on my way to get her.  I checked at lunch and they said she was doing just fine, so I finished my work day and headed to pick up the girls at 4:30.

Avi was happily feeding her Cheerios to the doggies! ;)

They were right, Avi seemed just fine when I got there.  She was so excited to leave she walked right over to her sleeping sissy and woke her right up... Ooops! Nathan went with his Great Grandmother to church tonight so it was just the girls and I this evening.  I decided to get my work out in IMMEDIATELY because both girls seemed to be in great moods.  I picked a workout from my "Body After Babies" board on Pinterest.  The lucky winner was Tank Top Arms .  So I got the girls settled..

After two sets of my work out, Avi had caught on and decided that she wanted to join in..

So I attempted to do the third round but Avi was determined to be on my lap so we had a little photo shoot instead...

The many faces of Avianna! <3

Avi seemed to be getting very sleepy and seemed to have an upset tummy so we took a quick bath and went down stairs for a few minutes of snuggles.  After Avi laid down I fed Miss Addlee and snuggled for a bit. I love that time!! :) Now comes the sad part....

Avi got so sick Wednesday night.  Right before bed I checked on her and she had gotten sick again, so I cleaned it up and she continued sleeping.  At 2:30a she woke up again and had gotten sick, so daddy gave her a bath while I cleaned up her bed once again.  She just cried and cried so we both agreed to try teething tablets. That did the trick.  I am almost certain that this upset tummy is due AGAIN to her two-year molars.  We went through these same issues a few weeks ago and once her two top molars broke through she was just fine.  I feel so bad because she obviously doesn't feel well! :( Any tips on how to help her are all very WELCOMED! This sickness just seems so extreme to be just teething... I am at a loss. I sure hope Thursday is better to my little Avi-baby!

Tomorrow is my Friday at work, and I have plenty to do before I can call it a weekend.  Not looking forward to the cold snow forecast though, I was really hoping for another beautiful Friday like last week...oh well, cant have it all! :)

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