Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday

Today has been pleasant since my alarm went off and I had to roll out from under little Miss Addlee. I got the girls dressed and ready to go. I couldn't wait to take a picture of both of them in their adorable outfits today. I am so ready for spring and getting to dress both the girls in bright, happy colors! :)
Avi in her adorable outfit
Addlee is the CUTEST little sister

After dropping off the girls at daycare I enjoyed a glass of Diet Peach Snapple Tea, a banana, and a few crackers. Once again I couldn't resist the delicious Baja salad so that is what I had again, and it did not fail my taste buds! :) Apparently, Beth and I both were suffering from a sweet tooth because Beth forced me to eat a SMALL piece of white cake she bought...

Before bath time I ate a small turkey sandwich for dinner.  While the girls splish-splashed in their bubbles we jammed out to OUR (my) favorite Pandora station, Disney Tunes :) I'm not sure who actually enjoys that station more! lol After bath time I did a little closet organization and Avi was an excellent help! I am going to brag and say that my little Avi-Baby is quite the clean freak and I love it.  Avi's bedtime followed shortly behind and then it was time for Addlee and I to get our nightly snuggles in.  So far she has slept in her bed for about an hour so I got in a quick set of 100 crunches, squats, 50 push-ups and two 60 second wall sits. I have a little guilt that I didn't get any cardio in but it is hard when it still gets chilly in the evening.  I am very ready for spring and warmer weather so  I can go on a run with the girls when I get off work! I do love cardio and I haven't yet mastered my scheduling to make sure I get at least 30 minutes of cardio in, but I feel I have made progress and small steps forward are better then no steps forward.  So here is to small steps! :)  All in all I feel like this beautiful Wednesday was a success and I look forward to Thursday.  Tomorrow is my Friday at work and I love that I get a three day weekend that allows me to spend more time with my little love bugs during these precious years!

Addlee and I getting our nightly snuggles in.
 I love taking pictures of us during this time because I know that these are the times
 I will miss the most in the years to come! :)


  1. So cute. Try to mix in some jumping jacks. That will bring in cardio until in gets warmer.

    1. Thanks Meghan! And jumping jacks are a great idea!! I will be trying that!
